Mac OS X
Mac OS X
- Click DOWNLOAD - it takes a while.
- Click Billy_for_Mac in Downloads.
- Drag the Boxer icon to the desktop - do NOT DELETE it.
- Double-click the Boxer icon.
- Drag the folder Billy from Billy_for_Mac to Import a new game.
- Click the Launch game button.
- Now click on billy.exe
The mouse cursor disappears while you play.
Always use the esc key 2-3 times to quit.
Billy is now on your desktop :)
- Click DOWNLOAD - it takes a while
- Unpack
- Install DOSBOX - e.g. on Ubuntu write sudo apt install dosbox from the console
- Open the Billy folder from the console
- Start dosbox from the console
- Click DOWNLOAD - it takes a while
- Unpack
- Open the Billy folder
- Start RunBilly.bat
Keep your game progress (SAVEGAME)
Keep your game progress (SAVEGAME)
If you have downloaded the game earlier you can download the full game again and copy the file SAVEGAME from your old version into the SETTINGS sub folder overwriting the existing file. The SETTINGS folder is located inside the Billy/Game folder.